F3 New Orleans

Ruckin And Runnin

Beautiful moring in the gloom.  Low Humidity, Low 60s.  Best time of the year, in YHC’s humble opinion.  Enjoy now, the summer humidity will be here soon enough.  The Ruckers made an early morning appearance, followed by the Runners at the normal 530 start time. The Ruckers: 3.5 miles along …

Holding Down the Fort

On the 6th of May 2017, two men gathered in the gloom with a mutual objective. The regulars of Troubled Waters went to support another AO, leaving only two to keep watch over Troubled Waters. And even if our wannabe FNGs had escaped the EH we put them in, it …

610 Stomp #88

Shorty requested the prescribed GRT training today at the Stomp and YHC was happy to oblige.  The training for today involved sprints with some rest built in between.  We had 4 rucks among us so we modified some of the rest time. The Thang Ruck to the track and warm-up with …

No sweat

6:05 am … 56 degrees … summit of the Mountain … sunrise over downtown … glorious … But first, the pain — The Pax was aimlessly waiting for the Q as YHC rolled in hot at 5:30 sharp.   Quick disclaimer on the move and we were off to the Loyola …