F3 New Orleans

Foundry, Field and Four

Summertime humidity is definitely here.  Quite a change from last week, with delightful cool dry air.  Today, our faithful PAX are greeted by the heavy, damp summer New Orleans air.  YHC arrived early to show off his new bright green leprechaun socks (thanks to 2.0 returning from school for the …

Okwata and the DMD

YHC arrived at Okwata wondering which dedicated PAX would show up. YHC was excited when 7 hardcore Okwata junkies emerged from their vehicles to join their QIC in the gloom. The mystery ghost vehicle referenced by Rudy last week was back on the scene. No time to investigate, as 0530 …

Walk The Plank

Another beautiful muggy morning in New Orleans was met by the crew of Audubon Park for what would turn out to be a test of both mind and body (mostly shoulders).  Went as follows: Quick Mosey through the Bag Drop and over to Oak Alley for a warm-up Lunges to …

The Return of Chopper

The gloom began at the Mandeville trailhead with 5 PAX members anxious to embark on the morning beat down.. A welcomed sight of the “Chopper” returning to the PAX would soon be remembered as he closed us out with his ruthless “Core Closure!” warmarama 30IC arm rotations forward 30IC arm …

Squat did you say?

Three loyal men took a red pill and entered the gloom with cash in hand to put a downPAINment on our mission to serve each other through accountability and leadership. And what better way to do that than through mutual misery before the world wakes up?  There’s no better time …

Blimps and Blimps

It had been many weeks since YHC had been to Rock City.  I felt lost, wandering around the briar patch (i mean grass field).  Would I remember where the rocks were?  Would I remember how to count cadences?  Would Bogey show up to mock me with his singing?  Slowly the …

Lafitte’s Plunge #17

Two men arrived to the aquatic gloom in search of self-improvement.  Full moon looks great and the sunrise will be nice.   Let’s go outside.   Quick disclaimer and get to work The Thang 200 yd warm up 11’s featuring Verkins(1), swim 25, Reverse Crunch (10) Rinse & Repeat – 11’s featuring Verkins (10), swim 25, Reverse …