F3 New Orleans

Physical Fitness Test

We got a hot tip from OBT that Cadre Danny likes to use a Physical Fitness Test during his GRTs.  The test is 100 burpees, 1 mile run, 50 burpees, and a 1 mile run.  OBT said the time hack was 32 minutes one time and 36 another (there were …


Lo Siento as this BB is way late. I went to summer school between my Junior and Senior years of high school.  One thing I remember from it is that triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13.  It was also the name of a card game we played between classes, …

A Forecast of Lies

The AO is conveniently sheltered beneath the I-310 concrete umbrella; so although the forecast warned of severe weather, three men confidently posted and were reminded why meteorologists have the best job.  So, without a drop of rain, we circled up to begin treatment. Warm-Up: SSH x20 Copperhead Squats x15 Arm …

Just Blimps

Sixteen Nola pax showed up Friday to tackle the mountain.  We took off at 05:30 after a brief disclaimer and went straight to WPM. Everybody partnered up for a variation on BLIMPS. Partner one ran/walked/crawled up the north stairs, across the top and back down, while partner two performed Burpees …

Birthday Redemption

  The clock struck 5:15 and again the familiar beginning of the LSU Pregame show rang out.  YHC stared at his shoes and thought, “It’s your birthday.  No one would mind a fartsack.   Uh oh, you signed up for a birthday Q.”   So with remorse for the decision YHC laced …