F3 New Orleans

Forecast: 55 and Wet

QHC came rolling in at exactly 5:30.  I’m not a professional trainer, modify if you need to ‘cuz this is F3, so let’s mosey.  The mumblechatter began early, as we moseyed to the pavilion over the pond for COP1: 10 burpees OYO 9 burpees OYO 20 merkins xIC 8 burpees …

Merkin Mountain

When:6-2-2017 QIC: Quick Draw The PAX: Rudy, Tinkles, 86, Yankee, Roots, Bad Moon, Sea man, Landing Strip, Shorty, Cowbell, Sandbar, YSR, Saban, Jingle Vader, Mulligan, and Quick Draw (QIC). At 0530 there was the usual disclaimer, as it turns out YHC is not a personal trainer and this is F3. …

Three of A Kind

Three high impact men gathered in the gloom and faced the day head on. To boost our local weather forecast accuracy, I vote to set up a weather station at the Troubled Water’s AO.  All it’ll measure is the chance of downpainments; and it’s always 100%. Q planted the flag …

Going BIG at Rock City!

When Rudy signed me up to Q Rock City at Coffeeteria 2 weeks ago, I said ‘Sure’, thinking that this will be a piece of cake.  Then reality set in at 4:45 am this morning.  What the heck was I thinking?  In preparation for the GoRuck in 6 days, should …

Ultimate Frisbee

“Ultimate [insert-item-here]” – Da Parish I mean, he does deserve the quote spot with his 29+ Groupme messages that day….I guess that’s what happens when we change it up with some Ultimate Frisbee for a beatdown.  In fact, you would’ve thought the convergence was today with the 27 Pax posting.  Anyway, …

Countdown to Grow Ruck

“Age is an issue of mind over matter.  If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” – Mark Twain 7 men of F3 gathered at Okwata at 0530 on a Sunday morning, fired up to get another ruck in before the Growruck event next weekend.  Terabyte asked if his M could …

Hump Day Delight

It was a damp and gloomy Wednesday in City Park but fortunately we were spared any rain. Solid turnout with 8 faithful PAX of F3 and a not-so-solid turnout with the rest of the Wed am exercise enthusiasts that typically converge on that area of City Park.  No boot camp …