F3 New Orleans

Scramble (Week #6)

6  Northshore PAX converged on the Mandeville city hall for the final week of “The Chewy Challenge!” With the PAX in agreement we have decided to mix up the routine of a 3.2 mile run with some sprint action (5 series of 400 meters) to raise that heart rate for …

The Gipper

I am sure every Q has experienced the moment when he thought for sure the beat down they were providing would cause a tapout of some sort right? Well once again as your YHC leading the Gipper crew quickly realized that would not be the case on this wonderful Gloom!! …

Bucket Strong!

Another morning to be the QIC!  After multiple Q’s at the Uptowner, I’m getting over the nervousness and getting down to business.  I wanted to incorporate my sand and water buckets but noticed that the last time I came to the Uptowner, I had four (4) sand buckets (50 lbs) …

Four Corners

Front blew through last night, bringing with it a bit of a break from the summer humidity. Perhaps even a hint of briskness in the air. At the stop light on the drive to Rock City this am, I checked the Q sheet. “Oh great, I better think of something.” …

Lafitte’s Plunge #21 – The Giant’s Ladder

#Nodoubt, No doubt he loved his kids, no doubt he loved his wife, no doubt he loved the Lord, Cheech left no doubt. #Husband #Father #Son #Leader #Sleevless #RIPCheech #CheechStrong http://www.thestate.com/news/local/article157537034.html Today’s Plunge was dedicated to F3 Lexington member John Flanagan, 38, Cheech.  Cheech was running in the gloom and …

No Chipper, No Problem

In keeping with Troubled Waters tradition of letting the Q sleep in, YHC and Kimchi rolled up to the bridge park and got bizaaay.  Kimchi happened to have a shovel flag on him from Nola.  Sweet.   Round Robin Warmup SSH x 20 Merkins x 20 Freddie Mercury x 20 …

Leg Day at Okwata

YHC was hoping for a particularly gloomy morning at Okwata this morning: more rain, more wind, more muck.  But alas, just a usual amount of Humidity, Winds and Mud.  5 PAX braved the hyperbole of the regional and national weather forecasters to start the day right. COP 1: Through the …