F3 New Orleans

Bday Eve Aquaman

As we continue the weeklong birthday celebration, we moved the Plunge from Thursday to Wednesday due to the pool closing.  With the divider moved, we have a full 50m pool today. Swim 100m, then swim underwater as far as you can, keep swimming. Rinse and repeat til times up. Or …

610 Stomp #98

It wasn’t just another Stomp….it’s my birthday week stomp… 15 minutes out through the park, down the bayou and turnaround. Head to the track for sprints. Sprint the straightaways and slow jog/walk the curves. Countoff, namerama, shoutouts, and prayer… +1

Mr. “T” at the Gipper

Mr. “T” at the Gipper? Say it ain’t so. “I pity the fool who shows up to the Gipper not expecting to get a good beat down and leave sweating and taxed!” 8 PAX members converged on the Covington trailhead this Gloom to take on YHC and the letter “T” …

For Lt Col Raymond G Davis

Ten PAX gathered in the plank position to dedicate this morning’s beatdown to Lt Col Raymond G Davis, USMC.  A Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, Lt Col Davis served in the Korean conflict.  The entire citation is worth reading, and YHC did exactly that to the planking PAX.  An excerpt …

The Walls of Jericho

This morning the PAX embarked on a journey inspired by the days of yore. It was an ambitious attempt which ultimately wasn’t entirely successful, but every man who showed up came out a little bit stronger by the end. And that is what F3 is all about. Disclaimer issued for …