F3 New Orleans

Three of A Kind

Three high impact men gathered in the gloom and faced the day head on. To boost our local weather forecast accuracy, I vote to set up a weather station at the Troubled Water’s AO.  All it’ll measure is the chance of downpainments; and it’s always 100%. Q planted the flag …

Going BIG at Rock City!

When Rudy signed me up to Q Rock City at Coffeeteria 2 weeks ago, I said ‘Sure’, thinking that this will be a piece of cake.  Then reality set in at 4:45 am this morning.  What the heck was I thinking?  In preparation for the GoRuck in 6 days, should …

Ultimate Frisbee

“Ultimate [insert-item-here]” – Da Parish I mean, he does deserve the quote spot with his 29+ Groupme messages that day….I guess that’s what happens when we change it up with some Ultimate Frisbee for a beatdown.  In fact, you would’ve thought the convergence was today with the 27 Pax posting.  Anyway, …

Countdown to Grow Ruck

“Age is an issue of mind over matter.  If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” – Mark Twain 7 men of F3 gathered at Okwata at 0530 on a Sunday morning, fired up to get another ruck in before the Growruck event next weekend.  Terabyte asked if his M could …

Hump Day Delight

It was a damp and gloomy Wednesday in City Park but fortunately we were spared any rain. Solid turnout with 8 faithful PAX of F3 and a not-so-solid turnout with the rest of the Wed am exercise enthusiasts that typically converge on that area of City Park.  No boot camp …

45 minutes of Mary

9 strong at Okwata on a rainy gloomy gloom. YHC always thought to do a core only work out, today would be that day. #45minutesofmary Has it ever been done in NOLA?? Mosey around the fountain. Warm Up COP: 25 X SSH 25 X Hillbillies 25 X Plank Jacks 15 …

HIIT week 1 of 6

5 pax met at Mandeville City Hall at 5:15 am for the normal jaunt to sunset point. YHC was inspired by a recent study published by a friend at UAB, and decided to switch things up a bit. The same route was ran, but it was broken up into 5, …