F3 New Orleans

Post Ruck Blues

Sitting at the railroad tracks in the light drizzle, waiting for the train to pass, YHC pondered whether any of the ruckers would make an appearance, or whether they were all still in recovery mode.  Staring at his watch as the train ground to a halt, YHC began to wonder …

Okwata Sunrise

It’s the time of year that the dawn sun shines on the PAX as it breaks over Okwata. The PAX had to stop and admire Sky Q’s handiwork. Disclaimer. Then . . . Warm-Up: mosey to the fountain to find a dry spot, then circle up for SSH x25, Abe …

Burp Back Mountain

This was going to be a good day. First, my good friend and EH’er (CAPS LOCK) was in town from Nashville and was pumped to post with us. Second, the gloom was uncharacteristically mild for June in the Big Easy. Then, upon arrival, I find out it’s 86’s birthday (44, which is …

Forecast: 55 and Wet

QHC came rolling in at exactly 5:30.  I’m not a professional trainer, modify if you need to ‘cuz this is F3, so let’s mosey.  The mumblechatter began early, as we moseyed to the pavilion over the pond for COP1: 10 burpees OYO 9 burpees OYO 20 merkins xIC 8 burpees …

Merkin Mountain

When:6-2-2017 QIC: Quick Draw The PAX: Rudy, Tinkles, 86, Yankee, Roots, Bad Moon, Sea man, Landing Strip, Shorty, Cowbell, Sandbar, YSR, Saban, Jingle Vader, Mulligan, and Quick Draw (QIC). At 0530 there was the usual disclaimer, as it turns out YHC is not a personal trainer and this is F3. …