F3 New Orleans

A Few Proud Men

Where is everyone?  Well at least the Q showed up.  With just two, the pauses are shorter, so the beatdown is greater.  Bring on the DownPainMents.  YHC doesn’t have the best recall of the post, but it went something like this. Warm-Up COP (really, Warm-up Line, as two points always …


Performing fundamentals is necessary for mastery. We’re not trying to do it until we do it right, we do it until we can’t get it wrong. Furthermore, you will perform how you train and we want to train to win. Building from this, the routine the PAX performed today is …

2 FNGs are better than one

Warmup in circle, in cadence. SSH x 20 Seal jacks x 20 Peter Parker x 20 Imperial Walker x 20 Plea’s x 20 mosey to TD Jesus in partners – bear crawl to TD Jesus and crab walk back while partner does burpees, repeat with LBCs. mosey to Wolfpack Mtn to the 6th …

Stomp and Sprint

Muggy, Gloomy morning. Typical late summer weather. YHC thought that perhaps the cold snap was going to arrive early, but alas – he was sadly mistaken. Maybe tomorrow. But instead, it was to be another typical summer sweat fest. YHC momentarily felt sorry for his 2.0, as he had chosen …