F3 New Orleans

Be Thankful

4 men showed up on this beautiful Fall morning for a little exercise before the food gorging of the holiday weekend begins. A quick disclaimer and off we go. We took a short jog before our warm-up COP. SSH x 20 IC, IW x 20 IC, Peter Parkers x 20 …

Thankful 4 F3

Excitement had been building all week.  Two Yutes was scheduled for his VQ on Thanksgiving morning.  The excitement from the pax was natural.  It’s encouraging when guys are willing to post on a holiday morning.  It’s even more encouraging when a guy steps up and says he will lead on …

Trailhead Tuesday

Four of the WFP (World’s Finest PAX) and YHC met at the Mandeville Trailhead to prepare for excess turkey (or tofurky) later in the week. Warmup: Abe Vigodas x20, SSH x20, Imperial Walkers x20, Butt Kicks x20, High Knees x20, Arm Circles x20, Back Arm Circles x20, Air Presses x20 …