F3 New Orleans

Shaking off the rust

It had been a while since YHC had paid his F3 dues, so it felt good to have the Q again.  Perfect weather and a great turnout with 20 pax.  After a quick disclaimer, we were off with a jog over to the fountain side of oak alley for warmup: …

8 is Enough

5:15am disclaimer for FNG Worm Ups In cadence: Side Straddle Hops 30 Wind Mills 20 Butt kicks. 25 ___The Thang____ Four post back 20 Merkins Bear crawl to next post 15 Merkins Bear crawl to next post 10 Merkins Bear crawl to next post 5 Merkins Up and down stairs …

P2-610 Stomp #118

P squared…K9’s Puddles and Pace Car joined us on our run this morning. After the brutal beatdown of our hamstrings at Rock City (thanks Triple Shift), it was time for a nice and easy run of 20 minutes out on the traditional route past the museum and along the bayou, and …

Monday is FUNDAY!

  We just celebrated five (5) nights at the beach for Thanksgiving and I was coming home on Sunday with the responsibility of Q-ing an early Monday morning workout.   I normally have a full page ‘Weinke’ designed but figured I would just wing it because who really would be there on …