F3 New Orleans

Relay Day

Six fearless PAX and YHC braved the harsh elements (mid-70s, mild, light breeze) along the ominous – OK, cheerful – Mandeville lakefront this morning.  We kicked things off slowly with an easy warmup: Abe Vigodas, Arm Circles, Shoulder Presses (varying 15-25x each IC); Annie – many thanks to Grundy and …

Uptowner Stink BOMBS

YHC saw an opportunity to Q this non running AO and jumped on it, since jumping is allowed at the Uptowner.  Arriving 10 minutes early, YHC was alone.  At 5:25, YHC was still the lone Pax, but there was still plenty of time.  The clock hit 5:29 and genuine concern …

10k Foray

YHC stood in for Captain Sparkles today, as he had some excuse or another for not making it out – something to do with resting the week between running a half marathon and attacking a half iron man – or some such weak sauce non-sense.  I was, once again, admiringly …

Plyos for Breakfast

A light turnout at the Gipper this morning but that did not stop the PAX from getting after it.  After the requisite disclaimer, Moby got down to business with the warmup: SSH, Toe Touches, Windmills, Butt Kicks and Shoulder Circles, all 15-20x IC. Mosey to the back of the Justice …

Spartacus Delayed

Spartacus Delayed…but not to be Denied…   Some of the pax, YHC included, were delayed getting to the AO due to a train.  The motivated pax, who were at the AO, took the initiative and began the Warm-up COP.  Us stragglers caught up and YHC took over the Q.   T-Claps to …

3 Years in the Making

Three years ago 15 men launched F3 New Orleans – you can read about that first workout here.  Yesterday 68 men showed up in force to celebrate that date.  Yankee lost his voice yelling at his Dad’s softball team, so YHC was charged with the disclaimer.  It was sloppy.  Then …