F3 New Orleans

Okwata Wind Chill

The wind was howling at Okwata and made for a feels-like temperature in the thirtys.  At least, it wasn’t raining.  After the disclaimer, the Q promised one thing: we won’t stop moving.  The PAX moseyed to Canal and over the levee for some shelter to warm-up. Warm-Up: SSH (x25), Abe …

3 Years of Sharpening

Today was the perfect day to celebrate my 3 year anniversary with F3. “Just as a blade may be polished to increase its ability to cut more cleanly, we may be polished by the support of another and more brightly reflect God’s love shining in our lives.” DISCLAIMER and let’s …

Troubled Obstacle Course

https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPwZ0y9B0sfNdy23o68J8g67rVOZwtgINDYZkYIvHuauAual6aUtyfxSqX7b4CcQQ?key=S1FIQm1ZQXVZN3BWa1VxN0tWRTRNT2MybzlwaW5B The Goal is 4 rounds we fell short we. We will be back The goals is to complete a 5k plus 1,000 reps in under a hour adding a video that has all the details on rounds and Reps. Next time planing on swapping Bur-pee Broad Jumps for walking …

Strangers in the Night

That was the welcome Shooter gave upon seeing EiEi in the gloom this morning, before Ei turned to me and said, “There’s the title of your backblast.” And so it is.  It was a welcome sight to have Ei back, especially knowing that the elder Wacker would be showing for …