F3 New Orleans

Winter Soldiers

Knowing that it was going to be cold on the Mandeville Lakefront this morning, YHC cast about late Friday for an appropriate pearl of wisdom to drop on the PAX.  Almost instantly, Thomas Paine’s immortal words from the American Revolution came mind: These are the times that try men’s souls.  …

Superfecta at The Uptowner

YHC committed to Q four days in a row this week, and the fourth day, or the Superfecta as we’ll call it, had me up earlier than usual. 45 minutes before the alarm sounded kind of earlier. One would think that would indicate an early arrival at the AO, but …

Rolling Fog at Okwata

YHC received the bad news from Surge that he was ill, and would not be posting. This was surely a sign of that dreaded day, the day where YHC would be a Pax of one. SPOILER ALERT: He wasn’t! YHC woke up to an annoying rain, one that would obviously …

Rock City Trifecta

Solid showing on Monday at Pontiff, despite the rain.  Eight men braved the iffy forecast to get the usual fix of F3 at Rock City.  The scheduled Q was out with the flu (or maybe Saints game hangover???) so a few of us stepped in to sub.  Here’s what went …

El Wire’s Gloomy Gloom

EL Wire ordered up some nice temperature weather but some GLOOMY SOUPY fog and wet ground. 16 PAX circled up for a Wed am beatdown led by El Wire El Wire started with the JACK OFF. (he said it!) SSH x 20, Imp Walker Squat x 20, Seal Jack x …

FUBAR at the Foundry

YHC arrived at the Foundry to find other Pax ready to roll. The gloom was especially gloomy this day as the weather wasn’t sure what it wanted to do. The fog and the high humidity were dead giveaways that the weather was a changing. YHC wasn’t really sure what to …

Return at the Gipper

Returning to the Gipper on this Gloom without the beanies and mittens also produced the return of Grundy and Moby from IR. Welcome back F3 brothers. While the PAX on the the Northshore have many AOs to choose, if your QIC had a choice of only (1) F3 beatdown  by …

610 Stomp#124

Pacecar spent the last Stomp in the kennel while YHC was off celebrating the New Year in Texas, but she was not going to miss today. Somehow knowing it was Tuesday, Pacecar stuck to YHC like white on rice while YHC was getting ready. Arriving at the AO about two …