Cork Screw #1
OK – I blew it – I was supposed to get someone else to cover todays beatdown but I kept getting side tracked and before I knew it – it was 10pm on Thursday and I couldn’t reach out to Fredo for a VQ request – so Fredo if you …
OK – I blew it – I was supposed to get someone else to cover todays beatdown but I kept getting side tracked and before I knew it – it was 10pm on Thursday and I couldn’t reach out to Fredo for a VQ request – so Fredo if you …
Winter Solstice The longest night of the year did not disappoint anyone this morning, there was no sun. The fog was the strongest I have ever encountered at a work out. People were still partying at the lakefront including us. Maybe not the best day to do too much running …
Was a beautiful morning for a workout with 8 strong. Warmup– merkins, side straddle hops, merkins, squats, merkins, and various other wonderful warmup exercises. The Thang–jog to workout position 1– Point 1-Balboas run to point 2-merkins,plank jacks, and mountain climbers. 3 sets of various rotations. Jog to position …
It was 0530 and 7 men and a K9 looked at each other wondering who was going to take the Q. If Pacecar could have spoke, she probably would have asked why there was a dog in a truck at the AO. You thought she was gonna speak up and …
It was thundering when YHC woke up. Should he fartsack or go out? Red pill, blue pill? A little rain never hurt nobody. Up and at ’em, it is. When YHC arrived, two guys were in the gloom in front of the fence: an FNG and his dad, Rigs, a …
Four PAX gathered at Grandmas House with the air heavy, as if we were meeting in a smoke filled poker room at the casino. The QIC had thoughts all night of repeating a previous Super 21 beatdown delivered a few months back, but he decided we would just implement 21 …
Nine PAX including one FNG (friend of Chiquita, name & age unknown) showed up for a classic beat-down in the wet gloom of Audubon. No luck finding dry land as we circled up between the row of lights: SSH x20, Plank Jacks x20, Elbow Plank Jacks x20 IW x20, Parker …
It was a rainy morning at the marsh and one of the nice things about that particular AO is that the large covered basketball court provides ample shelter for a beatdown with no need to get wet. But where’s the fun in that? Any man willing to show up at …
Due to some excuse involving something, Walleye asked if YHC would give up his prime pre-New Years Eve Beat Down and take today’s Q instead. Being the team player, YHC said “sure thing!” Besides, YHC isn’t sure if he will be in NOLA for that pre New years Eve Hoe …
17 PAX with 3 exchange students joined the GLOOM for a beatdown on Wolfpack Mtn. I’m still taking abuse for email sent regarding RAIN OR SHINE. I was sick – I swear!? It was a rainy 48 degree chilly gloom at the MTN. Welcome to Nescafe from Chapel Hill, and …