F3 New Orleans

610 Stomp#124

Pacecar spent the last Stomp in the kennel while YHC was off celebrating the New Year in Texas, but she was not going to miss today. Somehow knowing it was Tuesday, Pacecar stuck to YHC like white on rice while YHC was getting ready. Arriving at the AO about two …

Thanks to Mr. Brees

The morning after the Saints win a first round playoff game and 6 PAX gathered in the gloom. Standard Disclaimer and as the rain begins to pour, mumble chatter from the PAX on whether we are headed to the shelter. We never went to the shelter. Mosey round the track …

Jackson Day Race CSAUP

The GLOOM was glorious in beautiful downtown Arabi.  7 Brave PAX traveled near and far to a new race route for the 111th Jackson Day 9K race.  This new route involved historic Arabi, comfy asphalt road as racers traveled from Arabi to Chalmette, and then a lap around the Chalmette Battlefield, …

Backblast Dec. 23, 2017. Highland Road Park, Baton Rouge, La

Roughly 30 degrees at 7:00! Men posting today: Josh Black,  Fastball Rocket,  Dirk Higginbotham. Rides the Ducati rocket. Devon Lajaunie, Propeller head Kevin McCarty, the Wizard Darin Travis, Hoosier-Daddy Bill Bass, Worms 7:00AM starting time around the F3 Shovel Flag Mosey to central brick circle Shoulder tap.   Get in Plank …

Field of Dreams

“Shoeless” Joe Jackson:  “Is this Heaven?” Ray Kinsella:  “No, it’s Iowa.” YHC has never been to Iowa.  He has, however, been to Baton Rouge….Saturday morning as a matter of fact…and has to admit that Highland Park is beatdown heaven.  If we build it in Baton Rouge, they will come…just like …