F3 New Orleans

Super Bowl Saturday

A little foreplay, a short disclaimer and then off to the races this morning on Super Bowl Saturday. 52 reps of Seal Jacks, Mountain Climbers and Imperial Walkers, all in cadence, for a warmup. Mosey to the first COP for: 10 count Al Gore, 10 copperhead squats, and 10 vertical …

Challenge Accepted

Having an entire month with no ISI challenge seemed to be a challenge in and of itself for the Northshore PAX.  These guys don’t want a month off.  So when Hawg finally issued the February ‘Run Ranger Run’ challenge, the PAX was tripping over itself to register and get started. …

I am speed!

  For my first Q at the 6-10 stomp, I decided to do something a little different.  A track workout instead of going out to visit the missing monuments.  As Lightning McQueen’s mantra was heard in my head, “I am speed, I am speed, I am speed…” we headed to …

Brown Bags Bananas

Brown Bag doesn’t know how to do backblasts.  So I have some OCD issue that requires a bb – so I will post this for our beer brewing troglodyte. In reality it was nice of Brown Bag to step up for Chiquita who claims he can’t remember the names of …

Blue Moon/ Blood Moon

14 PAX gathered for a Super Moon!   Blue Moon and Blood Moon! “the sun (moon) is the same in a relative way…but you’re older.  Shorter of breathe and one day closer to death”. Cavalier doesn’t know how to login to the website, and build a backblast so I am doing …