F3 New Orleans

An easy beatdown

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” “The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as …

In the Dark at City Park

We arrived at the Foundry in the pitch black, and soon realized the street lights were out. A true morning gloom! Oh well. The show must go on. The usual disclaimer, with an additional message of safety in the dark, of course, and off we go. First COP: SSH x …

The Three Mountains

A record large group of PAX (28!) gathered at the AO in the refreshingly cool morning gloom. YHC bumbled the disclaimer,  and we set off on a mosey across St. Charles, toward the traditional Wolfpack mountain. At the base of Wolfpack, the PAX divided into two groups for parallel Indian …

Get er done

With the Q awakening to the illumination of a text from a fellow F3 Brother letting him know he had to rescind the hard commit previously given at the Scramble.. YHC began his journey to the Cove in hopes that the other soft commit of a might from Waterpik the …

Stairways and Tunnels of Fun

The Scene:  The Colosseum Conditions: Early. Cool. Breezy. Gloom. Welcome Disclaimer Warm-a-Rama: Worms still had the flag held hostage, so we met where we felt the flag would be.  It was early and cool, so we got warm by doing the following: Capri Lap – a little mosey. We ran to …

Stormed the Knoll

The Scene:  The Knoll Conditions: Ominous. Welcome Disclaimer Warm-a-Rama: Seeing how the convergence on the North Shore was taking place at the same time, the JV team stayed back and “Stormed the Knoll.” Capri Lap – a little mosey. SSH – 10x Al Gores – 10X. Merkins – 10x Goofball – …