F3 New Orleans

NO FEAR!…or trash

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? -Vincent Van Gough Fear, largely based on the unknown, keeps us from even attempting things sometimes. Courage is the power to conquer the fear despite the unknown. Fear can pervade every area of our lives, as we can …

2 is Enough!

Well after a long month of filming a movie and missing many Q’s it was time to get back in the picture. Can’t say i was overly anxious to run 6.1 miles at 0445am But new i had to get back at it. Then the thought crept in my mind …

El Cinco de Dolor y Miseria

Well, as they say… that happened.  The FBI physical fitness test pre-thang Q’d by Grundy started promptly at 0545 as promised, but it would require a prodding Bushwacker to keep this thing on schedule.  You see, until this morning, none of us (least of all Grundy) realized just how patriotic …

Three Years of Respect

A PAX can sometimes be a deaf lot, such as when a Q makes a disclaimer and then starts to mosey: huh, huh, what’d he say?  Where’s he going?  Hey, wait, we’re supposed to be following him? After a clearly articulated, strong-voiced disclaimer at precisely 5:30:00a, YHC started the usual …