F3 New Orleans

Crips Don’t Drive Volvos

I have to admit that I anticipated a light and groggy pax this morning following a beautiful Easter weekend here in NOLA.  I know I afforded myself an extra beer or two between the Crescent City Classic and family festivities over the weekend.  Yankee perhaps anticipated the same when he …

The Three Amigos

With Capt Sparkles Q’ing a great CSAUP at the Crescent City Classic this past weekend, three F3 vets arrived at the flag in the “gloom” Saturday morning, Turbo, Maverick, and THE Manny. If the “gloom” this past weekend was wrong, I don’t want to be right!  T-claps to these two …

The Sultan of Squat

The Scene: The Knoll Conditions: Cool. Calm. Swampy. Welcome Disclaimer Warm-a-Rama: Prior to starting, we had a couple PAX with some interesting items: Money Cat with a Chocolate syrup bottle and Missile Toes with Rotating Push-up Bars. But, whatever, it was 0700, so we just got started. We did a …

Good Friday

Good Friday.  I didn’t plan anything special.  I get a big fail for not including anything Good Friday related.  Mid-workout Sandbar had an idea for a Stations of the Cross workout!  I hope that happens next year. A very cool 60 degrees – wet ground but no rain. I brought …

To Run or Not to Run?

Well you see it goes like this. We had an F3 Brother who advertises he’s going to make Captains Cove this Friday since he’s on this side of the lake this weekend. So F3 Brother Steve gets excited to host our brother in his first Northshore appearance and makes a …

The House of Pain

4 of us gathered around an invisible site flag awaiting that 0530 start time when out of nowhere we hear screeching tires and a revved up engine coming in hot to the parking lot, blinker included. Who could it be? none other than our very own (or uptown’s own, we’ll …


After spending two weeks out of the country…and not exercising…there’s no better way to get back into it than to Q at the Foundry.  DISCLAIMER, let’s mosey to the field across the pond from the new Children’s Museum: -SSH x 30 IC -IW x 30 IC -Mt Climbers x 30 …

Hopping at the Gipper!

4 PAX converged on the Gipper for a hopping good time. QIC arrived with Steve at the AO with Turbo actively trying to stake the shovel in the ground or maybe he was trying to break ground to hide Easter eggs for the upcoming holiday. Either way, the earth was …