F3 New Orleans

Stairways and Tunnels of Fun

The Scene:  The Colosseum Conditions: Early. Cool. Breezy. Gloom. Welcome Disclaimer Warm-a-Rama: Worms still had the flag held hostage, so we met where we felt the flag would be.  It was early and cool, so we got warm by doing the following: Capri Lap – a little mosey. We ran to …

Stormed the Knoll

The Scene:  The Knoll Conditions: Ominous. Welcome Disclaimer Warm-a-Rama: Seeing how the convergence on the North Shore was taking place at the same time, the JV team stayed back and “Stormed the Knoll.” Capri Lap – a little mosey. SSH – 10x Al Gores – 10X. Merkins – 10x Goofball – …

I Hate Trains

I left 15 minutes early for F3 at the Birdcage this morning, so I could check out the route for the workout. I was only a few minutes from my destination when suddenly – There was a big train in the road Jock! I hate trains Jock! I hate em! …

Two for Tuesday

Grandmothers house produced (2) F3 brothers on this Gloom. YHC and the Pelican arrived at the AO ready for a beatdown. Both had posted the previous day at the Marsh with a record setting number and the YHC thinking Grandmas House would possibly replicate the previous days showing Pelican and …

Clear Eyes, Cold Hands

Great morning in the Gloom with a visitor from NC and two FNGs.  After a thorough disclaimer and explanation of the 3 Fs, we were off to the Magazine/river corner of the park where we circled up for a quick warmup: SSHx25 IWx25 LSSx20 Mountain Climber x20 / Plank Jack …

Carpe Diem Convergence

The F3 Nation knew about YHC before YHC knew about the F3 Nation.  You see, YHC’s brother-in-law, Lynchpin, lives in Charlotte.  In the early days, before the F3 Nation planted its flag in NOLA, Lynchpin routinely and enthusiastically regaled YHC with stories of legendary beatdowns and CSAUPs, tongue in cheek …