F3 New Orleans

Wally Warm-Up

Sorry, really late backblast.  Better late than never, but not much as the memory had faded. I do remember the warm-up, or at least the theme.  It is common for a Pontiff workout to start with 31 Side Straddle Hops.  Wally Pontiff, the namesake of the park, wore 31 playing …

Stomp #144

A half dozen of NOLA’s most elite, middle-aged athletic phenoms showed up on Tuesday to prove we can still run like, or even better than, a bunch of youngsters.  After exchanging the usual pleasantries and kicking around some ideas on which route we’d run, it was concluded that we would …

Curls For The Girls

Seven men got some loving with rocks on Friday at Pontiff…gotta get those guns and upper body honed for the summer.  No running involved so lot’s of time to hopefully build some muscle.  Here’s what we did: IPW x25 Goofballs x20 AC x20 WM x20 Crab Cakes x20 LS Squat …

Murph Marsh Monday!

YHC arrived at the AO to an early return of vacationer Waterpic..  Figured with the holiday the Marsh would not produce many at this beatdown and unfortunately my thoughts were correct as many chose the path of Fartsacking on this memorable day we call Memorial Day!! Time is of the …


Mosey over for a quick warm up in the great lawn. 15x Plank Jacks IC 20x Elevator Merkins IC 20x Peter Parkers IC 20x SSHs IC Partner up for some Dora 1-2-3. 100 Burpees (at the Great Lawn) 200 Mayweathers (at NOMA) 300 Squats (NOMA neutral ground) Mosey over to …

Rest Up Snack Pack

The Scene:  The Colosseum Conditions: Early. Cool. Not nearly as humid. Welcome High Interest joined us from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! Welcome High Interest. You reminded us how humid it is here. Disclaimer Warm-a-Rama: Snack Pack took Q for us as we started. Moseyed to field by stadium for Warm a …