F3 New Orleans

Steve’s last hurrah

6 pax met up at the mandeville TH to celebrate good ol’ Steve’s last workout until October. The thang: warm up on the stage with a series of scapular stability exercises to counteract the plethora of merkins some of the pax have been pounding out. mosey through the woods to …

Oh the Terror

This Q had me shaking in fear like night. I was not intending to Q this morning. I had made plans with Hawg to swap Qs. I would take his birdcage Q in early April, and he would take my Q in early June. I filled in admirably for him …

Fun and Games at The Gipper

Summer is upon us and a number of Gipper regulars are enjoying themselves on vacation.  Expecting a light turnout, YHC was pleasantly surprised when two FNGs rolled in this morning to round off our crew for the day at 5.  Brief disclaimer and explanation of what we are all about …

Stomp #146

YHC arrived at the 146th running of the 610 Stomp to find not one, but two Kotters!  Welcome back Stubhub and Milkman!  Hope you’re here to stay! YHC isn’t creative enough to do anything other than a run on a Tuesday, so instructions were given to run out for 20 …

Field of Dreams, and Rocks

Well, summer is clearly here. Humidity, damp air, and sweaty shirts will be the norm for the next 3-4 months. And that means we are left with baseball and golf for the remainder of the summer. So to celebrate the nation’s (past) past-time, we worked in a beat down on …

Scales and Burnout

The Scene:  The Knoll Conditions: Sunny. The sun makes you sweat while you stand there with no exercise. Welcome Scales came today, which was awesome! Disclaimer Warm-a-Rama: Little mosey around the “huge baseball field”, aka to the sun dial and back to the flag via the path. [All in place] Jumping …