F3 New Orleans

Qing on the Fly

YHC pulled into City Park wondering who was the Q, so he checked his phone and realized he was up. So winging it was the only option. 9 F3 vets gathered around the flag at 0530. DISCLAIMER, and lets mosey to the track. COP #1: WARM UP SSH X 25 …

Man up on the Murph!!!

When I saw that Hawgcycle put the Murph on the schedule, it was a good time to man up that week!  After reading numerous articles about Murph workout on the web, there is a love / hate relationship with that workout over the years.  Mostly HATE!!!   With two (2) Murphs under …

No U.S.? Who cares! World Cup Soccer–F3 Style

After playing  touch football (who remembers those kids riding by, windows down, shouting at us??) on Superbowl Saturday (#Turbo Tax) and half court basketball at the Milestone Marsh during March Madness (#THE Manny), YHC began planning a soccer themed beatdown to coincide with the start of the World Cup.  I figured, correctly, that Shooter …

Viva la cucaracha

Hurt yourself, don’t hurt yourself, your Q had disclaimer issues. Least of the Pax’ problems today…let’s mosey. Around the horn discover Brown Bag hiding in the shrubbery then over to touchdown Jesus for the first COP: SSHx 20, MC x20, HB x20, PP x20, Squat Jacks no Smurf Jacks x 20, …

Día de la cucaracha muerta

Light crowd on a steamy Monday but the 12 PAX were up for the challenge. After the obligatory loop  around club parking lot, we headed for the water but an intense ladies kegel exercise class was occupying the space. No worries, a quick jump over the bandstand for the first …