F3 New Orleans

Remembering Wilt!!

Following the start of free agency for the NBA with record breaking contracts of just 4 top players eclipsing 600 million the YHC decided to reminisce about an old baller back in the day. Although we wouldn’t be throwing around the millions this Gloom we paid tribute to one of …

8ball Qball

YHC’s first Saturday Q: BACKSTORY: YHC stayed out late the night before and still hadn’t formed the plan…but it was done by about 02:00 when YHC finished his festivities. As a precaution not to fartsack the Q YHC drove to the location and, after attaching a note to the window …

Is this still the Warm Up

For those that are still figuring out the F3 NOLA brotherhood and workout schedule – I strongly recommend you circle a couple of mid week days and make the commitment to yourself to give them a shot.  I’m confident if you do your weekly outlook will change….physically for the better. …

Stretching & Sweating in the Sun

Backblast.  June 30, 2018 So who else is noticing that after exercising for a couple of months and more that your T shirts must be shrinking? By Worms, with comedic assistance from Moneycat | June 30, 2018 The Scene:  The Knoll Conditions: 82F, got warmer as it went. Ahhhh….the “cool of the morning” …

Quality over Quantity!

This was YHC’s first Q outside the friendly confines of Uptown.  So it was appropriate that it would be the Uptowner that would be YHC’s first Q in the great, big WORLD.  You can imagine my dismay when I pulled into the parking area with no other cars around.  Would …

One to grow on!!

With another year in the books the YHC arrived at the Scramble on his birthday Q. To no surprise the regulars, with the exception of one Bushwacker 🤔decided to post and celebrate in the festivities. Jumped into a short warmup before we embarked on our standard Scramble route.. Warmup 15 …

Wednesday With Walleye

8 men arrived at the Foundry for some sweat in the summer heat. Man it’s muggy. Welcome back Smooth! The usual disclaimer and off we go. Warm-up COP at the track: SSH x 20 IC IW x 20 IC Peter Parker x 20 IC Windmills x 15 IC Arm circles …

Remember Little BigHorn

Just like Armstrong Custer yhs took charge of the Q from 86 without a clue as to what to do. So we made it up as we went with disastrous consequences. Headed out for real quick mosey to the bandstand where did 21 SSH followed by 10 Burpees Deconstructed (10 …