F3 New Orleans

610 Stomping Grounds

7 PAX gathered around 2 flags, enjoying the bright morning skies.  “I need some shades” commented Da Parish. Wisner bridge remains closed off, though the walkways look like they are nearing completion.  Soon we’ll be able to add that route to the regular routes.  But instead, since Rudy wants some …

Rocks, History and 11

Lovely Monday morning at Rock City: cool crisp 80 degree air, with 90% humidity.  Great way to start the week.  Pulling up to the park, I see the train on the tracks – is this going to be a repeat of last week?  Momentary panic sets in – but moments …

Bridge Over Stagnant Waters

Leading 20+ men on Saturday beat-down is a tall order, so Your Humble Correspondent (YHC) needed to prepare. On the afternoon before the workout, my 9-year-old son and I took I bike ride to City Park to survey any hidden corners typically overlooked during Mothership workouts. Whenever the Pax moseys …

Merk Fest

As a late entry to this month’s team edition ISI, there was a need to start strong. Though truth be told, I had been eying this beat down for a few weeks now. WARM UP 20xs IC: Windmills Imperial Walkers THANG Deck O Death merkin style –  J-11, Q-12, K-13, …

JR Smith VS The World

To recognize JR Smith’s collapse during the first game of the NBA Finals, I decided to work a basketball theme into the beatdown this past Saturday morning. Before we get that started, let’s get warmed up. Warmarama: Happy Jacks- 5 SS IC- 2 Squat Jumps: Rinse and Repeat 5 times, IWs- …


At 05:30 YHC gave the disclaimer and we were off. A quick mosey over to Touchdown Jesus for the warmup: SSH x 51 IC Mosey to WPM for an Indian Run to the top. Quick round of Mary: LBC’s x 51 IC Mosey down one level to the base of …

RED Friday – Tommy Mac

This year the first Friday of the month has been RED Friday at The Uptowner.  I have to give credit to F3 Greenwood.  I stole their idea and sometimes steal their workouts.  Today we celebrated the life and service of Sgt. Thomas MacPherson.  More on him in the NMM. Conditions: …

Core Crunch

My first Q in a while was core-focused.  I rolled in hot and was the last one to join the PAX.  We kicked things off with some warm-ups in place: -20 x SSH -20 x plank jacks -20 x mountain climbers Then we moseyed over to fairway near the pull …