F3 New Orleans

The Return of the Cusak

The Q wanted to make sure he was on time this morning so he did not give Rudy any additional reasons to harass the Q.   Was a nice, warm, and muggy morning as the PAX met at the normal spot for Rock City. A quick disclaimer and PAX moseyed …

Cognac and Burpees

Started out with a disclaimer stating that I had too much cognac at Tales of the Cocktail the previous night “so if you smell cognac it is me.”. Mosey to the lawn in front of touch down Jesus then I attempted to count: 15 x windmills then 5 burpees oyo …

Double down!!

Wet running shoes from the Narley Nutria served this YHC as he Doubled down on a post with little rest from the previous night… Having attended the Narley and being part of the winning World domination of sorts I could not help but share with the men who had missed, …

300 is the # of the day

Warm, gloomy, and muggy…perfect conditions for a F3 sweat fest.  That’s what YHC encountered as I made my way to the usual Foundry meeting spot.  It was 5:26 and not a soul in sight.  Was everyone getting their beauty rest?  Was I the only one from Team World that was …


The opportunity to Q The Birdcage the morning of the Gnarly Nutria presented itself yesterday and I jumped at it.  Immediately, I started brainstorming my Kamikaze Q –  come in hard and heavy, destroy my legs, but take out as many Uptowners along the way as possible.  What would I …


With the Gnarly Nutria on this evening’s agenda, YHC considered taking it easy on the PAX this morning at The Gipper.  That thought disappeared into the morning’s humidity as soon as Moby approached the AO wearing his new DeWalt contractor gloves, ready to get to work.  So we did: Warmup …

No Cowbell, No Problem

The clock ticked steadily towards 5:30.  The growing herd of PAX started to get restless.  Mutterings of “Who’s the Q?” were heard.  YHC had checked the sheet the night before – Cowbell was on the list.  Surely Cowbell would have also checked the list, or his email.  Right? Wrong. 5:30 …