F3 New Orleans

Mandeville Zoo

It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done. -Nelson Mandella It was this sentiment that was permeating the air like vapors of a scent distinctly from times gone by, whilst I was pondering the unlimited possibilities for Saturday at the Lakefront. It had YHC reminiscing about slightly less than a year …

Deck of Animal House

July 28th, 1978.  A big date for all of us of a certain vintage. Yes, that’s right.  40 years ago today, Animal House made its debut.  YHC arrived at 6:20 to a moment of confusion.  “Dean Wormer” was there – and it took several minutes for the PAX to realize that …

Fartlekkers Rejoice

The Pax have been bringing their A game to the Stomp recently.  Multiple weeks of double digit counts and some all out effort have revitalized this legendary AO.  YHC had the good fortune to follow up a Rudy Q.  Surely I could make it over the low bar he had …


As my fancy fitness tracking watch, I mean 15 year old Casio G-Shock, ticked near 5:30 the anticipation became palatable. The First Annual Officially Unofficial F3Nola Blimp Golf Tournament (sponsored by John Daly’s Grip It & Sip It) was almost underway. First we moseyed a bit to that Greek pavilion …

Fall weather at the Scramble

With predictions of massive heat waves by meteorologists in the forecast, one would not expect to arrive to mild temps and little humidity at the end of July. Then again nothing stops the men of F3 from posting, whether it be 100% humidity with 105 heat index or 16 degrees …

The Return of the Cusak

The Q wanted to make sure he was on time this morning so he did not give Rudy any additional reasons to harass the Q.   Was a nice, warm, and muggy morning as the PAX met at the normal spot for Rock City. A quick disclaimer and PAX moseyed …