F3 New Orleans


The opportunity to Q The Birdcage the morning of the Gnarly Nutria presented itself yesterday and I jumped at it.  Immediately, I started brainstorming my Kamikaze Q –  come in hard and heavy, destroy my legs, but take out as many Uptowners along the way as possible.  What would I …


With the Gnarly Nutria on this evening’s agenda, YHC considered taking it easy on the PAX this morning at The Gipper.  That thought disappeared into the morning’s humidity as soon as Moby approached the AO wearing his new DeWalt contractor gloves, ready to get to work.  So we did: Warmup …

No Cowbell, No Problem

The clock ticked steadily towards 5:30.  The growing herd of PAX started to get restless.  Mutterings of “Who’s the Q?” were heard.  YHC had checked the sheet the night before – Cowbell was on the list.  Surely Cowbell would have also checked the list, or his email.  Right? Wrong. 5:30 …

Stair climb rain out (Lightning)

Well since Captain Sparkles is starting to prepare for the annual 911 New Orleans Memorial Stair Climb it was on his agenda to incorporate the Mandeville Trailhead stairs into the Beatdown. But Mother Nature had other plans throwing some lightning around. So for the warm up. Side straddle hops originally …

Round Robin!!!

With a recent resurgence of F3 posters at the Marsh,  this Gloom would provide the opportunity for a round robin of sorts.. Knowing the Q was out on IR would allow for a mixed bag of goodies like rolling through a drive thru at Red Robin to get your hand …

Backblast for 7-8-18. The Knoll

The Scene: The Knoll   Conditions: Surprisingly refreshing for a July Saturday morning at 7am.   Welcome: 8 men posted.   Disclaimer: Money Cat: “I am not a professional trainer….huh? Why’s that funny to y’all??? Seriously guys…why is that funny?? Stop laughing or I’ll bring back Fastball and make all …

Backblast – Catfish Saturday VQ (2018-07-14)

Greetings folks, Had a great workout this morning with Mr. Catfish’s Virgin Q. Attendees:  Catfish, Rudy, Mahatma Ice, Da Parish, Reluctant Yankee, Cliff Notes, Tool, Babyface, Triple Shift, Fracsac, King King, Mambi, Woz, Gabrielle, Medulla Oblongata, Bogey, Cooch, Calliope, Jinglevader, Dewey, Pie Gow, Abacus, Moist, Belloq, Whoop, Two Yutes Also …