F3 New Orleans

Presidential Fitness Test

WHISTLE*  Gather up Gentlemen!  My name is Coach Da Parish and I will be your F3 Physical Education Instructor this morning.   I expect everyone to work hard enough to exceed their own expectations while maintaining your own physical health.   Feel free to modify on your own.  WHISTLE*  Mosey with me! …

610 Coastie

YHC has been having frequent knee pain since the Gnarly Nutria victory, self diagnosed Patellofemoral Syndrome.  Most doctors call for RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate); YHC is trying MICE (movement, ice, compress, elevate).   Rather than pounding the pavement, it was time to get back in the saddle.   Through the technological …

Have Bricks will Travel

After much Mumble chatter it was determined that the Westbank AO would probably be better served on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays.  YHC had  committed to Moist that ” if he built it I would come” to Q.  So I lived up to my commitment and made my way to the …

The Foundry 9/5/18

A nice traditional workout at the Foundry. A few pull-ups, a few laps, nothing special. The usual disclaimer and off we go. Mosey to the track for the warm up COP: SSH x 20 IC Peter Parkers x 20 IC Windmills x 10 IC Arm Circles, 10 forward, 10 backward …

Some F3 Gratitude

Simply put:  there is a 0.00% chance I would exercise so often and so vigorously without F3.  For that, I am very grateful!  For all of you, I am very grateful! We had a nice turnout in the gloom for today’s Scramble. Our warm up consisted of: SSH x 10 High Knees x …

Monday Blues

Monday morning, Labor Day, in the rain thats beast mode if you ask me!! 4 pax square up at center court for a butt splice beat down. Warm up. 10 SSH ic 10 Toe touches ic 10 toe touches legs apart ic enough of that… 50 merks oyo 50 squats …