F3 New Orleans

Black Friday Murph

The disclaimer was short and there was no warm-up. The Thang A Murph. 1 mile run on the track around Pontiff 100 Pull-ups 200 Merkins 300 Squats 1 mile run on the track around Pontiff We partitioned the exercises in reps of 5-10-15.  I think we all modified the pull-ups …

A Transplant Thanksgiving

The Thang My plan was to leave my vehicle at Morning Call and run to Stifler’s Mom for the 0530 start.  However, my penchant for tardiness and my not so blistering 11:30+ pace put me well behind schedule.  Fortunately I was able to contact Swampcock and he met me on …

Turkey Day – Okwata

9 Pax showed up for a Pre-Turkey Thanksgiving Feast Beatdown at the one and only Okwata. With 4 shovel flags planted, possibly a record at Okwata, the clock turned 0530, a brief disclaimer was given, and we were off on a mosey toward the mardi gras fountain…. High knees and …

Three is the Magic Number

Well Fight Club is destined to be a workout for three. It doesn’t matter who drives out or stops by for a random morning beatdown, we will always have three. YHC will thrilled to see War Eagle arrive, knowing that JV and Hawg were on the way, YHC was excited …