F3 New Orleans

12-0 at #Rockne City

What a beautiful, cool, crisp day for football. Or at least to celebrate football. So 18 men gathered in the gloom at Pontiff Park in a celebration of Notre Dame’s undefeated season, Rockne style. OK, so maybe 1 man was celebrating Notre Dame’s perfect season, but that man was the …

Rarajipari on WPM

I took the Q this am bc I have been dying to try some Rarajipari after Hawgcycle told me about playing it in City Park for the 610 Stomp. We showed up for a hot 68 degree AM in the gloom.  We had a FNG – (CHIHUAHUA) named after the …

November heat wave

CONDITIONS YHC arrived to the AO wearing his mukluks and balaclava this morning after all the chilly posts this week but got to dump them when the temps hit 60°F this A.M. DISCLAIMER Q delivered the classic disclaimer copied from our friend Einstein: “It’s obvious that I’m not a professional.  Be …

21s on the river

It was cold morning so after dodging a bus on magazine st, we warmed up with twenty ones at the zoo, dips and LBCs. And we went on a leisurely mosey down to the river for some more twenty ones of mericans and real Freddie Mercury’s. The fearless Q bit …

mano a mano

YHC bounced alone on this cold fall morning at the Fight Club waiting for the next challenger to step forward and face the best A/O in F3 New Orleans, maybe the best A/O in the F3 Nation. No other site can best the history of the Fight Club as the …

Chilly morning

4 pax met up at the Mandeville TH tuesday in the gloom. Ringo returned for his 2nd beatdown, he must be hooked. YHC was the only one dressed in full winter gear at the rest of the pax, decided that 33 degrees is warm enough for shorts. The Thang: Mosey …