F3 New Orleans

Rain, Respect, and Route 66

Rain pelted the gloom as five wise men – the RESPECT PAX – formed around the flag.  They knew a beatdown in the rain was to be savored and not avoided.  They knew as long as the mind was moving and counting, the rain did not matter.  First, DISCLAIMER.  Now …

Healing Rain

It’s a different experience to be out in the pouring rain when you want to be, as opposed to when you’re forced to be. You’re awash in the life-giving waters that sustain and replenish, instead of the feelings of rush and panic that come with the mad dash from one …

The Early Bird

They say, “The Early Bird Gets the Worm.” F3 Men must get lots of worms, because we get at it early for the morning beatdown. This morning YHC was looking to get it started extra earlier as he started the disclaimer at 5:28am. Several of the Pax quickly pointed out …

Teamwork makes the DREAM WORK!

Your QIC had a really rough week with work and dealing with trolls on Social Media.  It’s crazy how people act so ugly and with such vitriol, when behind a computer screen and it has bled over into face to face encounters.  After witnessing the unraveling of civility in our society …

Steve’s cameo

3 pax posted Tuesday morning at the mandeville TH  including Steve, who was on his one week hiatus from Hollywood. Although claiming to have been mostly sedentary since early summer, he has not seemed to skip a beat. Even if it was just for a week, the pax were glad …

Campus Tour

Twenty NOLA regulars trickled in as we hit 05:30. The disclaimer was given and we were off. First stop was the terrace at St.  Charles and Calhoun for a quick warmup. 10 Burpees at the bottom, 20 LBC’s at the top and 30 Squats on the side. Rinse and repeat. …

Social Scramble

6 PAX posted at the Scramble on this Gloom. Weather in the low 70s and unfinished business (Bushwacker) would supply the motivation for the PAX to set out at a sprinters pace as we charted our course through Mandeville. Started out with a warmarama Alternating IC 10-15 Good mornings, Toe …