F3 New Orleans

2019 Wolfpack Mountain

Seeing that I never Q’ed Wolfpack Mountan…ever! I decided to start 2019 a little differently. In fact, I have never Q’ed any uptown AO since the 2014 beginning of F3 or my second beginning in Sept. 2016. That’s an entirely different story for another time. Anyway, T-Claps to Yankee’s text …

CBGB Block Party

YHC has appreciated the staged “coupons” at the Skinny and Birdcage, and after some creative festivities by Medulla Oblongata (see Halloween and Christmas) thought it appropriate to greet the new year with 36lb CMUs. Disclaimer, block party announcement and we’re off. WARM UPMosey the parking lot, back behind the bandstand. …

Back At It

Ah, it’s exciting to be back to the month of January. A new year, another chance to join a run challenge I’ll almost immediately regret. A new year, another chance to see Shooter post to a 16º beatdown in shorts and sans gloves. And of course, a new year, another …

Changing Directions

Very gloomy Gloom at The Gipper this morning, but that didn’t stop the veteran PAX who took their red pills and showed up ready to make themselves better. In fact, most of the PAX, at least those tuned into this month’s ISI challenge, participated in a little foreplay by putting …

Krazy Fight Club

YHC has never been called a runner. He hates running. He has spent his life avoiding running and even walking of any significant distance. F3 came into his life and now he runs. YHC loves and hates F3. YHC is also competitive, so when he saw the beatdown that the …

610 Stomp VQ

Abacus, Heisenburg, Woz, Hokie Pokie We met inspire of the rain for a 610 Stomp – out for 20 and back for 20 stopping every 6 minutes for 10 Burpees. Heisenburg & Woz went for a much longer run than Abacus & Hokie Pokie but we all pushed through the …

Where Yat?

Dec 31st means out with the old in with the new… but first we need to know where were at to know where were headed. todays beatdown was based on our previous endeavor of the go ruck challenge and basically the marshes reason for existence. How many merkins, big boy …

ND and the Ladder of Despair

The PAX are all painfully aware of YHC’s deep love affair with the Irish, and all things related to Notre Dame. The PAX are also fond of pointing out the flaws in my beloved Irish – “What a cupcake schedule”, and “You should join a conference”. This year’s CFB Playoff …

Last Mothership of 2018

With the end of the year approaching I wanted to finish the year strong with a good beat down at the Mothership. This would be my 150th workout of the year. Having started F3 on Feb. 2nd at WPM, I have come a long way, and all for the better. …