F3 New Orleans

Okwata – Physical Fury

Okwata – there is no AO more unpredictable!  This time of year is a crapshoot as to weather but when you sign up to Q you get rolling either way! 11 men showed up to the lakefront to work.  After a short disclaimer Triple Shift and his buddy (one day to …

Shuttle runs in the park

After breaking the seal of their warm car, 4 brave men set out to conquer today’s set of exercises.  The weather man said it was 36 degrees, but that didn’t stop FroZone, T-Square, ShortBus, and Thighs from adding a few layers of clothing and getting after it. Cold Weather WarmUp …

Doracidal Tendencies

The day to tackle the one remaining AO I had never Q’d was upon me. QIC felt the strong  need to conquer The Gipper in a most unforgettable manner, though only the astoundingly hardcore Wednesday PAX could tell you whether or not my mission was indeed accomplished. I consider it …

The 4 Frozen Horsemen

Winter is here.  But that didn’t stop 4 hardy PAX from appearing on the angry shores of Okwata, where the winds were howling.  YHC’s car said 37 degrees.  Alas, YHC’s car does not have a wind-chill measurement; perhaps that is for the best.  Somethings are best left unknown.  5:30 arrives, …

90% Chance of Rain?

As the title implies,  the area’s first major cold front was scheduled for Tuesday and 90% chance of rain predicted at 6:00 am…..  Needless to say, the night before I questioned showing up in the gloom and perhaps no one would notice if I took my name off Q listing? …

Ivan is coming

South Louisiana storms woke YHC at 3:00 a.m. and he worried that the Northshore F3-bros would have to scrub another mission due to the elements, but when I arrived at the AO storms had cleared and we were go for launch. CONDITIONS I don’t have the stats for the weather …