F3 New Orleans

Grandma’s Boys

Another day in paradise at Grandma’s House.  The Tuesday beatdown that started it all here on the Northshore has had relatively low turnout lately, but the company couldn’t be better.  Grandmother-regulars Chewy and Shooter both posted and reminded YHC of the high quality of men F3 seems to attract.  We’re …

Got TAXES??? Here’s a Beatdown

With the new, recently constructed, tax payer funded workout equipment at the Mandeville City Hall playground, YHC decided it was time to take full advantage of it’s convenient location. Funny thing is, this new equipment is about 15 lunge walk paces (we found that out today) from where Shooter plants …

Championship Monday

For may this was just a normal Monday. For YHC, this is Championship Monday! The Alabama Crimson Tide vs. that orange team in South Carolina. Living in New Orleans, I have come to obtain a lot of respect for the boys in Baton Rouge, but at Rock City, there seems to …

Dirty McDuece and the Fart Sack

En route to the Marsh, YHC anticipated some HATE, some 40 degree, t-shirt wearin’, sweat angels, and some inspiring men whose presence would spark the beginning of another fruitful day. All expectations were duly met, with the exception of the presupposition of sweat angels, as we found ourselves, despite confirming …

The Substitute Q

We all remember having a substitute in school, it was almost like a free period… well this is F3 and there are no free periods, especially here on the north shore! With @the-manny being out of comission for the moment he had to call is a substitute Q.. and who …