F3 New Orleans

Stomps and Sprints

Thanks to Gabrielle, YHC had a different take on his usual Stomp-and-Sprint workout. So Tuesday am, time was right to give it a test run. I think it has some potential, but needs some help. We will definitely try again soon. 12 PAX gathered in the gloom. Nice to see …

You down with O.P.P.!!!

I know what you late 30, early 40 F3 brethren who use to listen to Naughty by Nature are thinking.. However, let’s keep this PG13 and call it “Other Positive People”, “Old People Power”, “Obvious Pure Perspiration”, or simply makeup your own acronym of sorts and roll with it.. Prethang …

Three is the magic number

15 somber Pax showed up for a cold beat-down after witnessing an egregious no-call that sent the hometown team packing. Quarter Pipe summed it nicely upon arrival by yelling “we were robbed”. But after a quick disclaimer we moved forward (we must)…on to the light posts for the warm-up: High …

Getting Our Money’s Worth at Grandma’s House for Ringo’s Virgin Q.

Upon arrival, most of the PAX aired grievances about how the Saints were robbed. This will probably be a topic of F3 discussions for many beatdowns to come. WarmaRama: Good Mornings, Windmills, Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Toe Touches. YHC kept getting a few of the warm up exercises mixed up, …

Honeymoon Sandy

Writing this as I’m about to take off to Chicago. Everyone got to meet my Sandy this morning (or honeymoon Sandy as Ringo called her because we can only assume that she will never be this light again.) Sandy is a 45 pound sandbag. Sandy was supposed to make her …

The Day After…

After a quick disclaimer at the flag, the pax moved to flat ground in close proximity to the rock pile for the following warm up exercises: SSH – 20, Self Love – 10, Arm Circles (Forward) – 10 (backwards)- 10, Windmills – 15, Imperial Walkers – 20 After the Pax …

Krazy Ivan 2019

Despite the Krazy Ivan Rules Committee’s best efforts to confuse and disorient the Southshore PAX into (1) not showing up; (2) showing up at the wrong time; (3) showing up at the wrong place; (4) wondering whether an event actually was going to take place; and (5) thinking that even …

YaMomAnEm’s VQ

Warm Up: 30 side straddle hops, 25 imperial walkers, 20 plankjacks, arm circles (10 forward, 10 backwards) The Thang: Route 66 – there was some debate on whether or not there were 10 or 11 planters on the lakefront. Turns out i miscounted, and there was actually only 10 planters. …