F3 New Orleans

The Muscleship Launch

“Without continual growth and progress. such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” —Benjamin Franklin The Muscleship blasted off in solid fashion this Saturday, thanks in part to the 16 PAX flight crew that hopped on board for the maiden voyage.  This new workout and AO was strategically …

The Running Ship

Today’s the day for the inaugural Muscle Ship at City Park, so YHC decided to emphasize the difference between the workouts – for one day, the Mothership became the Running Ship. As the 15 PAX gathered in the gloom (after a brisk 3 mile pre-thang run) YHC gave notice that …

Good Morning, EMOMs

At 5am, three brave men broke their warm slumber to boldly complete some morning EMOMs (Every Minute, On the Minute). We started with some warm-ups: 10 – Hairy Rockettes 10 – Windmills 10 – Cherry Pickers 20 – SSH 20 – Mountain Climbers We then mosey-ed over to the track …

Cold, wind & rainy

Did the usual 15 out and 15 back route but finished at the lawn where we did 8 minutes of 1 lap around with 5 burpees and then 1 lap of sprinting the long straightaways and jog across the shorter horizontal runs with another 5 burpees upon completion of lap. …


A strong wind blows, the rain and waves approach! 13 men of purpose and intent launched into the howling gloom and alas, F3 Tsunami had launched.  Thang: Mosey down the block and back to front of Tulane for warm-up: SSH x15 Imperial Walkers x10 Mountain Climbers x15 Merkins x10 Up …