F3 New Orleans

Rocking around the clock

YHC got back late Monday from a fun, party weekend in LA for the Grammys with the M. I met Weezer and learned who Cardi B is, and definitely had some demons to exorcise this morning. L.A. is great in doses, but it was nice to get back to LA. …

Silence of the lambs!!!

With Q considering a day of rest from running, I awoke to a message from Waterpic. He mentioned that if I was running to Grandmothers house he would join in along the way. That is all the YHC needed was the simple EH from Pic to silence those negative thoughts …

Flatulence Friday

After Tinkles started talking crazy about 5 miles & three garages, most the PAX followed YHC to the touchdown Jesus for our first COP: SSH x20, MC x20, HB x20, PP x20, SJ x20 Moseyed to the mountain: Indian Run to the top 2nd COP: Flutter kicks x20, Hello Dollys …

The Back Nine

After some last minute scouting, YHC pulled up without a minute to spare. The disclaimer was given, including a word of caution about possible broken ankles, and we moseyed to the Great Lawn for the warm-up Warm-Up This month is Run Ranger Run and every yard counts, so YHC forwent …

Keep It Simple Stupid

The Uptowner was greeted with 14 fiends this week itching to get their Friday fix. Although YHC had been voluntold to Q weeks ago, he slacked on working up a fancy workout with a cool theme, laminated weinkie, or pre-arranged cones. Therefore, back to basics for the PAX with 45 …