F3 New Orleans

21’s at the Muscleship

YHC saw the previous week that the Mucsleship did not have a Q and took the opportunity Q his first visit to the Muscleship.  Quick disclaimer was given and warm up. Warm-Up Smurf Jacks x 21 Imperial Walkers x 21 (the PAX quickly saw a theme but were incorrect YHC …

Rolling Stones

Since the Rolling Stones didn’t get to play Jazz Fest, it was only appropriate to pay them homage. Not to mention, Rudy was back from “surgery”, kind of like Mick Jagger. Did you see Jagger’s dance moves after heart surgery? Yeah, we didn’t get that from Rudy today. Warmup:Side straddle …

Creating Some Steam

After traveling for 2 weeks hitting AOs in Houston and Phoenix, I was looking forward to being back with my local brothers. After Saturday’s beat down, QIC was reviewing the sign up sheet and saw a need…..so on this balmy morning of gloom it’s time to create some steam! After …

It’s All Fun & Games

Still sore from Memorial Day’s Murph and knowing that some Gipper regulars pleaded for but did not receive mercy from Chewy yesterday at Grandmother’s House, YHC planned a morning of fun and games. The aforementioned Gipper regulars must have really needed a break because the Mandeville clown car never materialized …

11’s at Popeyes

YHC was excited for his second  Q at Popeyes and had a decided to use the vast opportunities that the parks has to offer for some 11’s.  Quick disclaimer was given and we moseyed a bit for the warm up. Warm-Up SSHs x 25 Seal Jacks x 20 Grass Grabbers …

Tank Top Tuesday

Sun’s Out Gun’s out was the Theme for Tuesday at the Stomp. Thanks to Kuch’s idea a few weeks back we were able to get 40% participation this week. Looking forward to more next week! I woke up this morning sore as hell from the Murph so I decided to …

Hill repeats

5 Pax met at Granny’s House today. Warm up: back lunge with reach x 10; side lunge with reach x 10; Glute bridges x 10IC; Jane Fonda x 10 IC; Hip Crossovers The Thang: Mosey to underpass: hill repeats x 10 Plank, Single leg glute bridges x 10 IC; single …

Luck O’ the Irish

In YHC’s limited experience at the 10K Au Lait, today’s PAX of 9 men was, if not new, matching an AO record. That feat was thanks, in part, to 1st time attendee, Mick, who brought a little Irish luck this gloom in the form of “cooler” temps. Unfortunately, all of …