F3 New Orleans

First Timer at Okwata

It wasn’t how YHC planned. It just sort of happened.  Nonetheless, YHC arrived at Okwata in the Lakeview Clown Car on a bright morning, devoid of gloom, ready to lead 16 PAX. Disclaimer issued and a quick mosey to warmup: SSH x 15 ICHill Billies x 15 IC Arm Circles x …

The Bear Necessities (Song)

Look for the bear necessities The simple bear necessities Forget about your whining and your strife I mean the bear necessities Old Grundy’s evil recipes That brings the bear necessities to life Wherever I wander, wherever I roam I couldn’t be fonder, of my F3 bro’s The PAX as fussy …

Like a VQ

PAX arrived at Granny’s, weather warm, shovel flag limp in the breezeless gloom. Much talk of aching trapezius on account of @grundy’s Bearcrawlapalooza. Pik reminded The PAX of YHC’s much celebrated lack of attendance of late by suggesting that this was YHC’s VQ. You know, I’ve always thought that the …

F2 Brown Chicken Brown

YHC was eager to get his Northshore VQ under his belt and thought what better way than to get a little F2 in afterwards. The plan was to have a 30 minute beatdown and head over to The Beach House for drinks and food. A pax of 8 showed up …

Double or Nothing

Extra Credit Side Effects offered some extra credit for a few pax that showed early. After 5 rounds of 30 seconds of burpees topped off with a couple rounds of pull ups, we felt pre-warmed up. Warm up What’s the second greatest time of year? You guessed it- The NBA …

Ran Back Mountain

39 PAX met up on the last day of May, which was hot and humid. It was also the last day of the ISI challenge, and maybe that’s why we have close to 40 PAX. YHC couldn’t believe there were no FNGs with that many people. At 5:30, YHC gave …