F3 New Orleans

It’s All Fun and Games

Earlier in the week Hokie Pokie asked for a replacement so YHC was happy take over Q for Muscleship. Recently my son suggested we play Red Light/Green Light as part of our workout. I did my best to design a beatdown involving games of some kind and hopefully what we …

Backblast – Mothership 2019-07-27

Another lovely (if slightly rainy) day onboard the Mothership at City Park.  Attendance stood at 15 total, with 13 existing members and 2 FNGs. The following members were in attendance: Catfish (Q), Two Yutes, Heisenberg, Fracsac, Thumb, Beloch, Reluctant Yankee, Gideon, Angie’s List, Medulla Oblongata, Angel Dust, Gumby, Pop Tart …

Cool Front in July???

19 strong PAX showed up on Wednesday morning with a surprise. At 75 degrees with low humidity in the middle of a brutal summer, meteorologists called it a cool front. PAX will take whatever weather Sky Q gives them. Reluctant Yankee showed up late, but he eventually found the PAX …

Okwata in the Fall

Or at least it felt that way. The 22 PAX present were treated to 71 degrees and a beautiful sunrise this morning. They were also treated to: LEG DAY. (After Screw Top’s beatdown the previous day, YHC was in no mood for Merkins or Burpees) Mosey to the center of …

Sunday Funday

At 6:28, only YHC was present for Sweaty Bells. YHC was ready to give himself a good beatdown. At 6:30, Squeal made his Sweaty Bells debut. At 6:33, Jingle Vader rolled up. Then at 6:36, Seaman was our final PAX on this Sunday showdown. Needless to say, only Squeal heard …

Sweep the 2

22 Men gathered on a wet, dark morning to catch a quick run. The usual disclaimer was given, and to the best of my recollection, it was eloquent and concise this time. A first perhaps. Aside: Are you supposed to say “my name is so and so” in the disclaimer? …