F3 New Orleans

Sprints and Merkins

On another glorious hot and muggy August morning, 11 pax arrived for what may possibly have been the last Danger Zone workout, and Smooth’s bon voyage before heading to the life of Tapas and Sangria.  After a quick disclaimer, we moseyed to the track for a warmup that consisted of: …

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It was a typical summer Sunday morning in front of NOMA. We had our biggest showing yet at the Renaissance and it was the first time I q’d that wasn’t the stomp. All in all it went really well…even a little tougher than I originally thought. Started off with the …

7 of Diamonds

Kickin’ it old school on a Tuesday morning at Tsunami A quick disclaimer about not being a personal trainer and we were off to the circle of power for a brief warmup: Sidestraddle Hops x 20, Self Love x 10, Peter Parkers x 20 Then a run to the newly …

F3 Alabama Dad’s Camp 2019

YHC has a Cousin-in-law, Happy F3 BHam, that was bringing his 2.0, Wild Guy, to F3 Dad’s camp. Seaman & Sandbar had attended in 2018 and came home with nothing by praise. YHC decided to bring the 2.1, Beauregard (4) up to Camp Crosby for the weekend. We arrived at …

Wakin’ & Bakin’

With the HNJ Dads at fantasy camp & a farewell to Smooth at Renaissance, only three PAX were up for Sweaty Bells this morning. Nonetheless the beat down must go on. Disclaimer (no FNGs) and a warm-up of SSH x10 without Gabby as he rolled in hot. Arm-circles x10 both …

Mahatma Modified

Oh sure, Mahatma will blame it on being unable to hear the Q, or faulty Q instructions, or the Q just not knowing what the heck he was doing. All of which might be true. But on this glorious morning in City Park, Mahatma Modified. 06:15: YHC joined Rev-Sox and …