F3 New Orleans

Dinner, then Dessert

Ten men posted at The Gipper Wednesday morning ready for fun and games as a reward for completing the Iron PAX Challenge only to learn that they would have to eat their green beans before enjoying dessert. So after a disclaimer and a warmup of Imperial Walkers, Squats, Merkins, Groiners …

A walk in the park

10 pax including an FNG arrived for a post iron pax beatdown that had hints of IP worked in, but for this hardened group, would be nothing short of a walk in the park.  This was YHC’s first opportunity to not only Q at Popeyes, but also do a standard non- …

IP Greatest Hits

“I just can’t get enough” – Black Eyed Peas Another notch on the belt for The Chamber, F3 NOLA’s newest AO.  This was only the second regular, non-IP beatdown which opened up some options for venturing out of the parking lot area that’s been home to the past few workouts …

In the Books

The 2019 Iron PAX Challenge is now in the books for the F3 Northshore PAX. T claps to F3 Greenwood for throwing the challenge out to the F3 Nation and keeping so many men across so many regions working hard and engaged for an entire month. The beat downs have …

Rebirth of the Barre

Right now ladies and gentlemen, back to Okwata with the lights and lonely music of that gone groove, where you can sit back and relax dig some of the wonderful things . . . Warm-Up: mosey to the seawall in front of the fountain and then circle up for SSH …

You Can’t Always Get What you Want…(No EI, No Yoga, Nothing!)

Arriving at a “late-ish” 5:11, YHC saw no PAX and no flag. Though Akbar’s presence was detected on account of the glowing dash lights eminating from the arborous darkness of the parking lot. More mysterious and less detectable was true-to-his-word Garfield, who was suddenly spotted lurking in the shadows casually …