F3 New Orleans

Embrace the Suck

A great turnout at the Uptowner as we had 21 pax come out to enjoy another warm and humid October morning.   When I think back to what initially led me to F3, it was being able to have a great workout that always had a different twist; stepping out of …

The O.K.W.A.T.A. 66

Gentlemen, i just realized that i haven’t posted the backblast from my Okwata Q back on 8/8/19. To quote Brad Gluckman from Malibu’s Most Wanted, “My Bad!” I don’t remember the Pax members, but here’s a summary of the workout: Warmup: can’t remember what we did, but we definitely warmed up …

Ain’t Skeered

‘Twas my turn to Q The Foundry this Wednesday, but I was having some trouble thinking about what to do. So I did what any reasonable PAX member would do in this situation: I read a backblast from a workout that i liked, and pretty much copied it on Wednesday morning. …

A very thankful 4 years of F3

YHC was greeted this beautiful anniversary gloom by 11 PAX waiting to celebrate an F3 anniversary the right way, with a beatdown of course. While planning this beatdown, YHC started thinking how grateful he is of F3, Shorty EH’ing him hard to “just come out and see.” I’ll be forever …

Never Over Macho Grande

Seaman was the Q. He brought us in real low. But he couldn’t handle it. THE GLOOM: Buddy couldn’t handle it. Was Buddy one of your crew? PAX: Right. Buddy was the bombardier. But it was the Q who couldn’t handle it, and he went to pieces. THE GLOOM: Andy went to pieces? PAX …

Short and Sweet!

This BB will be just as the title states, YHC has entered into 2 seasons both of which are Short and Sweet so enough said.. Warmarama All IC to reps of 10 and 15 SSH, Good mornings, Hillbillies, Arm circles and Mummy kicks.. Thang Moseyed to Marigny each corner reps …