F3 New Orleans

Happy Veterans Day 11/11/19

17 other PAX joined YHC on this sunny, clear Veterans Day at 60 degrees for a Skinny beatdown. YHC couldn’t ask for a better day. We moseyed to the band stand with the following warmups in cadence: forward arm circles x 10, backward arm circles x 10 (thank goodness Seaman …

11 11 11 and Saban what?

Veterans Day occurs on November 11 every year in the United States in honor of the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” of 1918 that signaled the end of World War I, known as Armistice Day. It had been a few weeks (50+) since I had last Q’d a workout …

I Believe In Miracles…

A beautiful, clear morning with a slight chill in the air…a harbinger of the great day to come…Pre-thang got started at the usual time of 6:10. Only YHC and Zoolander, who arrived decked out in his cat burgler outfit, which he frequently dons once the weather turns. Always great to …

7 Of Diamonds Redux

6 Pax Gathered for the second running of the Tsunami 7 of Diamonds A quick disclaimer about not being a personal trainer and we were off to the circle of power for a brief warmup: Sidestraddle Hops x 20, Hillbillies x 20, Mountain Climbers x 20 Then a run to …

The 300….almost

12 pax arrived for a humid morning at Rock City. Started with the standard disclaimer and an Indian run to parking opposite end of Pontiff. warmup Arm circles x 15 each arm shoulder taps x 20 Ricky balboa in squat position x 20 Hillbillies x 15 Self love x 15 …

Running in Circles

Maverick put such a whuppin’ on our upper bodies yesterday at the Gipper that YHC had preordained there’d be no burpees, no merkins, and no pull-ups at the (post) Scramble this morning. We began with one the slowest warmoramas YHC has led, and I’ve led some pretty slow ones. Good …


It was foggy in the gloom, so foggy that YHC can’t remember diddly of the PAX did, other than kettle bell tossing.  But it was a GREAT Beatdown. 0