F3 New Orleans

The Sauna Sweat Showdown: When the Humidity Hits 110% and the PAX fights back – from Jose10k

80 degrees and 1000% humidity at 5 am? Seriously, WTF! Hammer was crazy enough to join me this morning in the Sweatapalooza. Having two consecutive late days (not getting home til after 7:30), I went back to the good ol ladder workout. 12 reps for each exercise followed by a …

Yasso 800s – from Rudy

13 PAX at the stomp, expecting a traditional out-and-back in the late summer humidity. But if they had checked the schedule, they would have seen “800s” in the description. Kuch spoke for the PAX when he whined “can’t we just run on Marconi?” No, said YHC. And as the watch …

Yasso 800s – from Rudy

13 PAX at the stomp, expecting a traditional out-and-back in the late summer humidity. But if they had checked the schedule, they would have seen “800s” in the description. Kuch spoke for the PAX when he whined “can’t we just run on Marconi?” No, said YHC. And as the watch …