Lil BOO Thing – from Vagabond
Dora rifle carry around mound pumpkin 50 burpeees 100 merkins 150 squats 200 plank jacks Little pumpkin soccer All pumpkin free for all get as many between goal post as possible COT 0
Dora rifle carry around mound pumpkin 50 burpeees 100 merkins 150 squats 200 plank jacks Little pumpkin soccer All pumpkin free for all get as many between goal post as possible COT 0
Bear crawl “uncle”to museum pax waiting do Mary Children’s museum partner up runner is timer overhead press squats sit-ups Curls step over brick Flutter kicks with brick Tricep extension Broad jumps over brick Legs lifts over brick etc Sunday Mornings, Warpner, COT 0
Bear crawl “uncle”to museum pax waiting do Mary Children’s museum partner up runner is timer overhead press squats sit-ups Curls step over brick Flutter kicks with brick Tricep extension Broad jumps over brick Legs lifts over brick etc Sunday Mornings, Warpner, COT +1
Don’t post it it didn’t happen. Sorry for the late post but better than not at all. The usual warm up stretches and a little cardio. A :45/:30 Tabata featuring Crunchy Frogs Squats Crunches SSH Merkins Tie Touches and A Lap. Three full rounds and half of a fourth. This …
10/26/1955 Marty’s journey through time begins on October 26, 1985, when he accidentally travels back to 1955 during a mishap with the DeLorean. His adventures in the past, including meeting his teenage parents, inadvertently shape his future. Marty must ensure that his parents meet and fall in love, or risk …
You cannot ignore the H8! We tried. There was no H8! in April. Honestly, I forgot all about it. I guess I tried to push the H8! way down deep, but it never went away. The last few months have shown me that the H8! is always there. I can’t …
Grundy reached out to Q another Spartan beatdown, naturally, because who else would? But after my last dance with sandbags and buckets, the splash pad can keep that level of punishment. Today, we’re enjoying the beautiful weather at the A1C, and instead of finding new ways to wreck my body, …
YHC had a Jones. A Basketball Jones. But today, I would not need someone to set a pick for me at the free-throw line of life, nor someone I can pass to. No, I would not even need someone to hit the open man on the give-and-go (and not end …
The Mustard packet and YHC started off at 5:30 with just the two of us. By the end, we had picked up a group of three, Pai Gow and Two Yutes. Overall a great morning for a workout around Pontiff. 0
YHC pulled up at 5:12 due to forgetting to put the two tires and maul in the truck the night before. YHC didn’t see any movement from the Doxs household this morning so i figured I’d park in the coveted Doxs parking spot. Little did I know I would be …