F3 New Orleans

DR + FNG FTW – from Russo

Oh Jose, you know not of what you speak. Up until around 5:28 today, you would have been right. After Thanksgiving…Cold-ish for mere mortals…some rumored Turkey day double postings. Who could blame anyone for fartsacking and leaving me sad clown. I knew I’d have to begin working off the extra …

Last Q of the week, let’s take it easy, wait, who’s that coming up the ramp? – from Jose10k

Long week, 2 5ks yesterday, YHC was ready for some Yoga and stretching with Moby. Something simple and light. Then headlights appeared at the bottom of the ramp, Hogsbreath from Slidell came out here to join the group. I get it, no one goes to the Slash Pad anymore. Quarter …