55s – from Rudy
Whew. It was Hot and Muggy. No wind. Just moisture lingering in the air. High Rise and I staring at watches, wondering if it was going to be a Man Date or not. But SOGO, Frac and Saban rolled in hot – so 5 of us set off to the …
Whew. It was Hot and Muggy. No wind. Just moisture lingering in the air. High Rise and I staring at watches, wondering if it was going to be a Man Date or not. But SOGO, Frac and Saban rolled in hot – so 5 of us set off to the …
It was Hot. So whats new. YHC picked up the Q minutes before the beat down so improve was the catch word. After a thorough stretching with Torso twists big arm circles grass grabbers windmills side straddle hops neck rolls ankle rolls for about 10 minutes it was off to …
YHC picks up Q #2 in the Birthday Week bonanza. Thanks, Heisenberg, for going 2 for 2! Humidity was MUCH higher than Monday. And only gonna get worse this week. Hydrate well, everyone! 10 PAX joined for a run. 20 out, 20 back along the traditional route. A birthday variation …
Attendance Goose POPE Tana Safety Valve Wet Tap YHC pulled up at the stage around 5 o’clock followed closely by Tana and Wet Tap whom looked on with curiosity as I set up and tested the final Thang of the morning. After this Goose and a sore Pope pulled up …
The GroupMe was eerily silent last night/this morning for two reasons: 1. French Horn had laid down a stronger than usual commitment post, and though many doubted, and many wrote and then deleted hilarious comments stating such thoughts, nobody wanted to discourage what looked to be an actually possible showing …
With YHC out of town for the Scramble and his gym buddy Tanked flying out to Wisconsin Friday for his qualifier, I decided to scoop up Tuesday and Friday (A1c) on the Q sheet. Not to worry if anyone is looking for an opportunity to lead a beatdown, as Wednesday, …
You ever have one of those days, where you the night before, you text some pax’s and file gently lay out your clothes, and prep the coffee pot so that you can spend a quiet few moments to reflect and plan your Q in the gloomy peace and silence. INSTEAD …
YHC decided to start the Birthday Week bonanza with a replay of his very first Q 1988 National Champions – A Year in Review So as 530 struck, 9 PAX set off to the rock pile (it would grow to 12 as late arrivers Heisenberg, Mr Rogers and Wedding Planner …
The 4 Milestone Marsh regulars woke up to take the Red Pill this morning, on a seemingly cooler morning temp of 79 with 93% humidity. Which felt fine, until we starting moving. We celebrated the Red Barchetta today, a Red Ferrari V12 that left the Maranello factory in 1947 built …
THE FELLOWSHIP THANG Often times during large events there are pivotal moments that go unnoticed. One minuscule decision where success or failure hinges upon a singular action. Sometimes these remain in the dark. An unsung hero never revealed. Silently knowing the weight of their contribution. But during the 2nd annual …