F3 New Orleans

Coming to you live in 25, first Saturday beatdown of the year! – from Jose10k

OK Waterpik was the only one out there early doing the pre-thing. It was a nice chilly morning. Started off with the usual warm-up size straddle hops torso twist grass grabbers windmills you know you got the usual Bushwacker grumble grumble as always. All right mosey to Noah’s ark this …

Frosty Front – from Pinewood

Joint Q between Chips, Catfish, Fracsac, and YHC to satisfy today MABA goal Conditions: 45 F / E 12 mph Warmup: Slow Abegodas x10 Motivators x7 Forward and Reverse Arm Circles in Tiefighter lunge position x20 Seal Claps x10 Grass Grabbers x10 Mosey across the street to the lakefront Thang …