Last warm morning to run – from Jose10k
7 men took the red pill this morning to run the wet yet warm streets of Covington. +1
7 men took the red pill this morning to run the wet yet warm streets of Covington. +1
As 6:27 rolled around, and YHC still stood in the dark with only Pope and Bam Bam at his side, it was clear that the holidays would have a substantial impact on this Peltch beatdown. We were wondering if the car parked on the far end of the lot held …
OK Waterpik was the only one out there early doing the pre-thing. It was a nice chilly morning. Started off with the usual warm-up size straddle hops torso twist grass grabbers windmills you know you got the usual Bushwacker grumble grumble as always. All right mosey to Noah’s ark this …
Rolled into the gloom at 5:15 a.m., ready to grab a rock from the stash pile that would make Mr. Rodgers proud. Instead, the Knees Over Toes crew had apparently left me with a pile of pebbles. Refusing to settle for a rock fit for a garden gnome, I hopped …
The dynamic duo was at the A1C where the weather was much warmer than previous days. 11s on the ramp: merkins and squats. Back peddling, sprints, lunge walks, duck walks and sprints back and. Then a couple of laps followed by calf raises in the stairways. COT +2
Joint Q between Chips, Catfish, Fracsac, and YHC to satisfy today MABA goal Conditions: 45 F / E 12 mph Warmup: Slow Abegodas x10 Motivators x7 Forward and Reverse Arm Circles in Tiefighter lunge position x20 Seal Claps x10 Grass Grabbers x10 Mosey across the street to the lakefront Thang …
5 HIMs showed up this chilly morning to put some miles in. No one was on the Q sheet, so YHC picked it up. Apparently the site Q and Waterpik had some correspondence prior to. Oh well, I led the warm up, the Shooter took the runners on the usual …
A bunch of gentlemen got together this morning to finally put forth an epic beatdown worthy of the first day of 2025. Bushwhacker was first up, it was Round Robin style, and of course Bushwhacker started off giving a wonderful description of his beatdown. The detailed, thought out approach was …
The gloomy fog saw two dedicated PAX arrive and ready to take o the day. PIckup a 80 and 40# sandbag, then mosey to the JPAS Warmup with arm circles, IMP Walker, LS Squats DORA – One PAX with 80# on his back , walks up the long ramp backwards …
In the foggy dew of the gloom where men grind out a new life, I approached the field with confidence. Putting on a beat-down worthy of Mr Rodgers is no small feat, but, chaos rules here and we were headed toward a great time together. Once the PAX had assembled, …