Backblast – 2019-02-16
Backblast – 2019-02-16

Backblast – 2019-02-16

Another day aboard the Mothership. 23 PAX total.

Attendees: Catfish, Highrise, Gabrielle, King Kong, Jesus Juice, Screw Top, Fracsac, Care Bear, Brown Eye, Organ Grinder, Tubbs, Angie’s List, Flipper, Rudy, Two Yutes, Dewey, Bongo, Mudbug. We had three FNGs. Welcome Scrapple, Da Crane, and Sunny D!

Started the workout with a mosey to the lawn on the side of the museum. Ran some side straddle hop, arm circles, abe vigodas, and overhead claps to warm things up. Moved to plank position for Catalina wine mixers, plank jacks, peter parkers, and parker peters.

From here we moseyed to the museum fountain for a Dora. Dora included 100 box jumps (on the fountain), 200 dips, 300 LBC’s, while partner hopped up the steps, did 5 merkins at the top, and hopped down.

From here we moseyed back to the field for burpee suicides. These involved suicides with length of 2, 4, then 6 trees, with 5, 10, then 15 burpees at each end.

From here we moseyed to the paddleboat dock for monkey humpers, squat jumps, and lunges. Followed these up with a lovely long round of Jack Webb.

Moved to the grass to round things out with some Mary – Crunchy Frog, Penguins, Leg Lifts, American Hammer.

Thanks to everyone who pushed through, this was a good one! Can’t wait till next time!